The whale shark, the world's largest fish, is a listed endangered species, threatened by industrial fishing, plastic pollution and boat collisions, which is disappearing at an alarming rate. Initially a pilot project, the Madagascar Whale Shark Project Foundation has been working to protect whale sharks in Madagascar since 2016, and relies on scientific information through a research programme to raise awareness among local communities, tourism stakeholders and the general public. Through our work, we are collaborating in the institution of regulations for the protection of the species at a national level.
The Foundation has chosen to focus its energy on three strategic areas of action:
We are convinced that it is by combining these three objectives that we will be able to contribute to the implementation of regulations at the national level and thus participate in a sustainable conversation about the area.
Thanks to your donation, you - or the person of your choice - can name a whalesharks recently identified in the water of Nosy Be for life. You can also simply adopt a whaleshark who has already a name which you like. Each season you will received news of your protégé as well as our newsletter and a digital certificate within one week after paiement. Your help directly contribute to our efforts in protecting whale sharks in Nosy Be. Your financial participation will go towards sustaining our small team year-round, replacing scientific equipment such as underwater cameras for our volunteers, while ensuring our field season takes place every year.
EUR raised out of EUR
En 2023, Armel, un étudiant malgache en master, nous a rejoint pour étudier la dynamique de l’alimentation du requin baleine à Nosy Be afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs déterminant sa présence, et ainsi renforcer sa protection. Après beaucoup de temps au labo à Tuléar, Armel a identifié dans les proies du requin baleine 5 espèces distinctes de poissons juvéniles, ainsi que 35 espèces de phytoplancton et 68 espèces de zooplancton.
En 2024, il souhaite nous rejoindre pour poursuivre ses recherches et commencer sa thèse de doctorat, en partenariat avec l’Université de Mons.
Tout cela reste bien sûr dépendant de l’obtention d’un soutien financier. Si vous souhaitez nous aider à financer les quelques mois suivants, dans l'attente d'une bourse pour Armel, vous pouvez faire un don ici !
EUR raised out of EUR
Address Madirokely 207 - Nosy Be |
Website Madagascar Whale Shark Project |
Data processing Madagascar Whale Shark Project Privacy Policy |
Accounts verified by Lieutenant Guillaume |