L'Univers de RAPH'
Your donation
Our impact with a donation of 40 EUR:

Sponsoring the parents of a disabled child
By making a donation of €20, you give 1 family free access to our platform for a year.
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Our impact with a donation of 80 EUR:

Sponsoring the parents of a disabled child
By making a donation of €60, you give 3 families free access to our platform for a year.
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Our impact with a donation of 150 EUR:

Sponsoring the parents of a disabled child
By making a donation of €120, you give 5 families free access to our platform for a year.
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Our impact with a donation of 250 EUR:

Sponsoring the parents of a disabled child
By making a donation of €240, you give 10 families free access to our platform for a year.
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Our impact with a donation of 70 EUR:

J'offre un pass soutien à un proche
Avec ce montant vous offrez une cotisation à un proche.
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Our impact with a donation of 140 EUR:

J'offre un pass soutien à un proche
Avec ce montant vous offrez une cotisations à deux familles.
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Our impact with a donation of 350 EUR:

J'offre un pass soutien à un proche
Avec ce montant vous offrez une cotisations à 5 familles.
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Our impact with a donation of 700 EUR:

J'offre un pass soutien à un proche
Avec ce montant vous offrez une cotisations à 10 familles.
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Your personal information
Your payment information
The cost of processing and the use of Uningo are generously offered to us by:
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